Monday, December 30, 2019

Macroeconomics Essay-Unemployment - 1131 Words

3) Compare and contrast alternative views on the nature and possible causes of unemployment and evaluate the effectiveness of demand and supply management policies to combat it This essay will compare and contrast alternative views on the nature and possible causes of unemployment. It will then go on to evaluate the effectiveness of demand and supply management policies that try and combat unemployment. I will be discussing unemployment in two parts- short run and long run and evaluating the effectiveness of demand and supply management policies that combat unemployment for each. First of all, ‘the unemployment rate measures the fraction of the workforce that is out of work and looking for a job or expecting to recall from a layoff’.†¦show more content†¦(2011).--gt; *;pg=PA9amp;lpg=PP1amp;dq=causes+of+unemployment- from page 9 explains unempl: 3 ingredients-labour demand, labour supply and wage determination. * Letting Wt be the wage this period, Wt+1 the wage next period, the rate of inflation gw= Wt+1-W1/Wt * With u* representing the natural rate of unemployment, we can write the simple Phillips curve as gw=-e(u-u*) where e measures the responsiveness of wages to unemployment. This equation states that wages are falling when the unemployment rate exceeds the natural rate, that is when ugt;u*, and rising when unemployment is below the natural rate. The difference between unemployment and the natural rate, u-u*is called the unem ployment gap. * Automatic stabilizers- changes in fiscal policy that stimulate aggregate demand when the economy goes into a recession without policy-makers having to take any deliberate action(don’t really work in short run so should be done in long run) 1. Most important stabilizer- tax system. When the economy goes into recession, the tax collected by gov goes down, this automatic tax cut stimulates aggregate demand and reduces the magnitude of economic fluctuations. 2. Government spending- when economy faces recession and workers are laid off, more applied for benefits and income support, this automatic increase in government spendingShow MoreRelatedNew Classical Macroeconomics Arose From The Monetarism And Rational Expectation School Essay922 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction New Classical Macroeconomics arose from the Monetarism and Rational Expectation School in the 1970s and follows the tradition of classical economics. If the market mechanism is allowed to play its role spontaneously, which could solve the unemployment, recession and a series of macroeconomic issues. Keynesian economists believe that changes in the money supply will lead to changes in effective demand that will changes in the total economy. For economic cycle fluctuation, Keynesian economistsRead MoreBusiness Economics : An Important Effect On Business1595 Words   |  7 Pagesoperation (Worthington, Britton, Rees 2005). 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Advertisements For The Same Product Essay - 1484 Words

Advertisements for the Same Product Advertisement is basically a one-way communication means that is geared towards informing probable customers regarding a product and/or service and how and where to find the product and/or service. Advertisements usually contain a persuasive message through an identified sponsor. The purpose of the identified sponsor is non-personal promotion of a company’s products and/or services to probable customers. In most cases, medium and large companies use advertisements to promote their products and/or services while focusing on creating assumption among customers that will lead to purchase. While companies use advertisements to market their product and/or services, advertisements of the same product may vary depending on various factors. This difference is characterized by varying language, images, and sounds that focus on making the product desirable and appealing. Considerations When Designing Advertisements Generally, big companies or businesses utilize advertisements in attempts to reach markets and target audience through product appeal. Advertisements are basically part of daily life given the prevalence of adverts across television, radio, and newspapers among others. Companies and businesses create adverts that are specifically targeted to appeal to certain groups of people or niche markets. In addition to spending a huge amount of money researching where the target audience is, they also focus on ensuring that theShow MoreRelatedResearch Paper: Content Analysis of Nine Creative Concepts Found in Magazine Advertisements.1392 Words   |  6 Pages1 MAIN ISSUE This research is a quantitative, cross-sectional, exploratory and descriptive content analysis of selected advertisements from two different magazines published in August 2012 using the nine different creative concepts as main emphasis. 2 RESEARCH CRITERIA The main research problem deals with the use of creative concepts in advertisements which is a mass media issue and therefore contributes to the existing knowledge in communication studies. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Is Technology Really Making Life Easier Free Essays

Is Technology Really Making Life Easier MRT Abstract In this research paper I have posed the question; is technology really making life easier? I took the stance that advancement in technology has led to major sociological issues that are currently being felt and will be felt for generations to come. I highlighted the creation of such devices and services such as cell phones, computers, the internet, and social media. My research has only shown more support to what I had believed prior to starting this process. We will write a custom essay sample on Is Technology Really Making Life Easier? or any similar topic only for you Order Now My conclusion based off the information to follow is that technology may have made our lives more convenient, however it has not made our lives easier or less stressful. Do you think modern technology has made life easier and safer? Or do you think that modern technology has made life more difficult and more dangerous? Today, we can’t imagine ourselves without technical advances such as cars, microwaves, cell phones, computers, and televisions. However, technology won’t stop there, but it will grow bigger and bigger. As technology grows, there are not only advantages, but disadvantages from them. A list of the benefits of technology would be very long indeed. However, as with almost everything we human beings have created, technology has a downside. There is, we might say, a dark side to technology. For openers, technology does not necessarily make life simpler; rather, it tends to make life more complicated. Nowadays, for example, nearly every discussion of the â€Å"wonderful power of technology to enrich our lives† mentions the cell phone. Certainly, the instant communication brought about by the telephone has been a major advancement. It was originally a rather simple device that anyone could learn to use in a matter of minutes, and we soon began using phones to make and receive phone calls, usually about matters of some importance. Recently, however, we have created these devices to perform a ridiculous number of irrelevant tasks. One needs a thirty-page booklet to learn how to use them. Anyone who enters a phone store today seeking a phone that simply sends and receives phone calls is likely to be looked upon as a refugee from the Dark Ages. Cellphones have become the number one thing in most people’s lives. It is the quickest way to keep contact with the outside world. It has made life easier for humans and it has become one of the things that we cannot live without. Cellphones can help us solve a lot of problems, but can also cause a lot of stress related problems because people are too dependent on technology nowadays. It has weakened our social ability, without it, people find it hard to express themselves. Cellphones have dominated our lives with the advanced technology and applications they offer. Friends from miles away are only a text message away from you, and it can avoid awkward and silent moments because you do not have to talk to someone face to face anymore. Although it can help us in many different aspects, we are starting to rely on it and abuse it. A lot of teenagers cannot be separated from their cell phones for too long, they are always on their phones and they find it hard to not look at their phone before long. Most of their phones allow them to watch movies, read books, listen to music and talk to people, which make them a lot less interactive and productive in real life. They provide us different sorts of interesting entertainment and useful information, which is easily accessible to people. People who live in the city are always rushed and in a hurry, to them, time is money and one of their most valuable assets, and cellphones are exactly what they need and cannot live without in their daily lives. People who are often on their phones believe that texting and interacting with people on their phone makes up for not seeing them face to face in real person. As they are always depending on their phones, they become lazier. They do not have urge to go out and meet new people and become more socially awkward as they do not know how to talk to people face to face anymore in their daily lives. A recent study from the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business finds that even though cellphones are generally thought to connect people together, they are making the users less social minded. The school’s marketing professor Rosellina Ferraro said: â€Å"We would expect a similar pattern of effects with people from other age groups. Given the increasing pervasiveness of cell phones, it does have the potential to have broad social implications. † There is a problem with texting. Did you know that one of the main causes of car crashes are that people are texting while they are driving? That is a huge problem. Several studies show cell phones are a leading cause of car crashes. It is estimated that cell phone distracted drivers are four times more likely to be in a car wreck. Cell phones cause over 200 deaths and half a million injuries each year. When you are texting while driving, you are more focused on your phone than on the road. As a result your speed can change very quickly. You could be at a speed of 20, then 40, then 50, then 60, or 70 miles per hour and sometimes even faster. This cycle will not end if a person is surrounded by a group of people who are always depending on their cellphones even when all of them are spending time together. To people who do not usually use their cellphones this can be disrespectful and impolite as it seems like they are not enjoying the time spent with each other. There are no doubts that cellphones are very important to us, as they can help us in numerous aspects. It is the best thing to have when you are bored, and to communicate with people from far away even when you are busy. People can contact you any time of the day and it is very convenient and user friendly. They are made for people in the world to easily connect with each other, instead of making long distance phone calls, sending emails and writing letters like the old days; which require more effort and are more time consuming. It is important to have a cell phone with you because it can make communication easier, provide many applications in it and most importantly safety to their users. Another example of the complexity of modern technology is the computer. Again, nobody can deny that computers have enabled us to share information, process data, and perform numerous other tasks with speed and ease that, as recently as a generation ago, we would have thought impossible. Computer technology has been advancing so rapidly that new applications are discovered faster than anyone can keep pace – and that’s a problem. Even the computer experts understand only a fraction of what these machines do (just ask an expert for help when a computer crashes). Although most users can and do master some of the basic operations, most computer owners cannot use many of the functions that are built into computer programs. Much has been written about how the younger generations who have been brought up in the computer age know intuitively how to use these machines. However, evidence suggests that they learn only what amuses or entertains them. I for one grew up in the computer age, however I can say that if you do not keep up with technology is will pass you and leave you in its’ dust. Most haven’t the patience or the desire to go through the complicated process of learning more functional programs. Furthermore, they tend to use computers rather than their own brains for many tasks that they should be able to perform without mechanical assistance. It is possible to argue that the invention of the calculator is largely responsible for the inability of many people to do simple math; it is likewise possible to prove that electronic spell-checking (which is, and may always be, imperfect) has created at least one generation of individuals who cannot spell and know nothing about the logic of language. Complexity is not the only downside of computers. They have created an even greater gap between the rich and the poor, the educated and uneducated. To use these devices, one needs both experience and education. Lacking computers at home (even if they can access them at school), poorer people do not have the opportunity to gain much experience with them. Even as the computer becomes a commodity (something to which virtually everyone has access), the pace of technology is so rapid that these individuals are light years behind the more fortunate people. Furthermore, since computer skills must be learned, less educated individuals have a vast disadvantage. Educated individuals can use computers to expand their knowledge; uneducated or less educated people are stuck where they are. The gap widens. Finally, with respect to computers, many of the advantages have spawned a nightmarish array of problems. I recently interviewed several Lewiston Police Officers and asked them what they felt was the most significant change they have witnessed in their field. Technology was their first answer. One officer explained how when he started on the force some fifteen plus years ago he was given a car and a radio. When he would need information he would have to contact his dispatcher, which would then relay what little, and often outdated, information they had over the radio to him. He explained that now every officer has a laptop computer right in their car tied into some of the most sophisticated databases in the world. The software allows him to run license plates in a matter of seconds which will tell him who owns the vehicle, if it is registered, if the owner has any warrants or such. He said that while yes this technology is amazing and in today’s world he probably could not do without, he longs for the simpler times. He stated that there is a disconnect with society due to the technology. Officers will travel around in their vehicles like robots verses interacting with people on the streets as they did in the past. He feels that this societal disconnect has led to a lack of respect that police officers once had. While technology has now given us the ability to shop from home, it has opened a whole new area in which con artists can conduct scams, a complex area that authorities admit is impossible to police. While it has enabled us to bank by internet, it has brought on a wave of identity theft such as we have never before seen. This negative consequence of technology has affected hundreds of thousands of people which have their identities stolen each year. Identity theft is when these criminals get and use consumer’s personal information such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers, insurance information, and social security numbers to buy goods or services wrongly. Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes out there. When the identity thief uses a credit card, bank account, Social Security number or cell phone in your name and doesn’t pay the bill, it is all reported on your credit account. People don’t know that their identity has been stolen until damage has been done which can cause a problem. While it enables banks and other organizations to process data with lightning speed, electronic processing creates greater opportunity for error. One incorrect keystroke can set in motion an automated series of mistakes that are not easily detected or corrected. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the invention of the Internet is one of man’s greatest and most spectacular endeavors. For, it has truly revolutionized the world in regards to how we engage in business, recreate, socialize, educate ourselves and communicate with each other. The Internet eliminated all impediments of conventional methods of operations. Through its construction, the world economies have flourished. Therefore, it can be said in a nut shell, that the Internet has made life on earth easy to say the least; but to what expense? The amount of people that have used the internet has grown 572% from 2000 to 2010. What would the world be without internet? It has only been 20 years since its creation but yet it has affected society immensely. Internet has had both a positive and a negative influence on society. Due to the significance of both influences, internet cannot be seen entirely as good or bad, people can only have strong opinions on the matter. Before explaining all of the benefits to society the internet has had, let me start with showing that there is a good argument that the internet has had a negative impact on society. Skeptics argue that the internet is not beneficial to society because it limits face-to-face interactions, society’s most important type of interaction. The limiting factors include, but are not limited to, email based sites, like Yahoo. om, Gmail. com, and Hotmail. com, and social networking sites, like Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter. They limit face-to-face interactions because it is more convenient then meeting up with everyone that a person would like to talk with. According to the National School Boards Association (NSBA), who published a report on research and guidelines on online social, educational, and networking, the average teen will spend more than 9 hours a week on just a social internet site (Creating Connecting). It is not terribly surprising that skeptics will say that spending close to two hours a day in a desk chair, on a computer, searching the web, downloading music, chatting with friends or playing internet games is a complete waste of time. They believe it should be used for studying, playing sports, being outdoors, the list goes on and on. Sadly, skeptics are completely right when they say these things are not productive, in fact, the way which most people use the internet is not productive. The NSBA’s report shows statistical figures that support the skeptic’s thoughts. Teens reported that they are on social sites, like Facebook, about 41% of the time that they are on the internet and downloading or listening to music 30% of the time they are on the internet (Creating Connecting). Clearly not the best use of time and it only leaves 29% for the rest of the endless list of the possible things to do on the internet. They could be using the time they are on internet for more productive means. Nevertheless, it seems too hard for people to use it for something productive, or beneficial to society, like reading the daily news. However, some of the available internet sites to read and learn from leads to the next negative aspect of the internet, unreliable and falsified information. The internet has very few regulations and almost no one policing it. With the addition of anyone having the ability and access to make a website, it presents a problem. The problem, it allows them to publish whatever they would like, not matter if it is true or not. This causes unreliability, especially for students such as myself researching information and it can be very difficult to find out if the source is credible or not. For instance, according Lucy Rector, a professor at Harford Community College who published a comparison of Wikipedia and other encyclopedias for accuracy, breadth, and depth in historical articles, Wikipedia is only 80% accurate (Rector, Comparison of Wikipedia). This means that one out of every five times a person visits Wikipedia they could being reading something that is not credible, this presents an outstanding credibility problem. This has had an effect on society, as now people must always determine whether or not the information they are presented with is credible. The creation of the internet has opened a new market in society for scammers. The National Consumers League produced a study in 2001 that showed internet fraud had generated 7 million in profit, nearly doubling from the year before (2001 Internet Fraud Statistics). These days it is hard to escape scams because they seem to be lurking around every corner. Online shopping fraud is no joke and has steadily increasing by millions over the years. In Europe, the amount of money lost per year due to online shopping fraud is 21. million, according to an article about how â€Å"Online Fraud Rises by 185%† written in the Sunday Times (O’Connor, Online Fraud Rises by 185 per Cent). The article goes on to say that today’s scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated and convincing. Oddly enough, one of the main reasons for this is because it used to be that sites with the goal of fraud used to be terribly published. Often having spelling and grammatical errors that were easy to spot and then avoid. Skeptics say would argue that because of the internet, people have been seduced into scams costing people millions. The internet is full of graphic content and no one checking ID’s. Due to the internet, pornography has become more common and has had a negative effect on society. According to an article on â€Å"the Effects of Internet Pornography†, internet porn is viewed by 66% of men from 18 to 34 at least once a month (Wang, The Effects of Internet Pornography). In the article Richard Berry, president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers states that, â€Å"Pornography had an almost nonexistent role in divorce just seven or eight years ago†; its significant role now is â€Å"clearly due to the Internet† (Wang, The Effects of Internet Pornography). In the same branch of the internet but a more disturbing reason the internet has had a negative impact on society is child pornography. The internet has led to a global outburst in child pornography, conventionally thought to be too morally wrong and unthinkable of a behavior it can leave victims with emotional and physical damage for the rest of their lives. Society could do without their children being emotionally damaged for the rest of their lives. Although skeptics will say that the internet has affected society negatively, their argument is minute compared to the agreement that internet has had positive effects on society. Skeptics can argue that the time spent on the internet could be used for something else more productive, that the internet has created a numerous amount of unreliable and incorrect information that is published, and that it has helped scammers steal money and much more from society but it is nothing compared to what the internet has contributed to society. Internet has given society a new form of communication, a new way to acquire information, and a new and improved way to shop. From the birth of the internet came the birth of social network sites, such as Facebook and Myspace. Now a day, a person can communicate with anyone across the globe with the touch of a button. Although the time a person spends on social networks like Facebook, Myspace, Skype, Yahoo Mail, and Match. com can be completely useless, the sites, themselves are often beneficial to society. Facebook and Skype is a great and easy way to stay in touch with friends and family. Yahoo Mail and every other email account website cut down on paper pollution and put up a good fight against the inconvenience of the mailing system. Even Match. om has its benefits to society, now people do not even have to leave their seats to meet new people or ask them out, this is apparent in Facebook and Myspace as well. The point still being that, the internet has given us a new form of communication that is overall much more efficient, but possible less effective, than the ways people used to communicate with each other before the internet. Rick Nauert would agree with this. Rick Naurt has a PHD and is the senio r news editor for the University of Southern California, in 2006 he said â€Å"More than a decade after the portals of the Worldwide Web opened to he public, we are now witnessing the true emergence of the Internet as the powerful personal and social phenomenon we knew it would become (Nauert, The Internet as Agent of Social Change). † When asked if the internet increased regular contact with others, he answered, â€Å"42. 8 percent of Internet users agree that going online has increased the number of people they regularly stay in contact with (Nauert, The Internet as Agent of Social Change)†. Clearly, the creation of the internet and social networks has helped our society stay in touch and meet new people. The internet has led to a massive increase of easily accessible information and a lot of it very credible. The internet is enormously vast, with information on virtually every topic. A person can pretty much type anything into Google, even a question, and get what they are looking for. When talking about how the availability of information has changed society for the better, think of how hard it was to acquire information for papers for students before the internet. It was accomplished by moderate amount of time spent in a library. However, this led to teaching students good work ethic and did not allow time for procrastination. Not only can a person just learn anything over the internet, according to Karen Farkas, who wrote an article about â€Å"Online education growing as colleges offer more classes to meet student demand†, found that 29% of students have taken one or more online classes (Farkas, Online Education Growing). Although it is not surprising that in today’s day and age it is possible to get a college degree by taking exclusively online classes. Connection to the internet is not the only negative aspect of technology that computers provide. Consider automated answering systems and the disconnect of speaking to a human being. The only individuals who see any benefit in these systems are executives who, with their eyes on the bottom-line, look upon them as a cheap way to reduce or eliminate customer service personnel. These systems create the illusion of offering customer service when, in fact, they have practically eliminated customer service altogether and shipped what is left overseas. Automated answering systems constitute an area of technology that symbolizes what happens when tasks that only a human being can perform effectively are left to machines. Customers universally hate these systems because they provide little or no ervice, waste time, and often put the customer into an electronic loop that leads nowhere. The worst of these systems are those that provide voice messages in which a machine pretends to be a real human being. Verizon Wireless is a great example of this nightmare of a system. The creators of the Verizon System actually programmed the computer to recognize profanity, which usually is caused by frustration, and automatically connect you to a â€Å"real† human. While we may find definite advantages to almost any technological advancement, it is very difficult to find anything good to say about automated phone systems. In contrast, few of us question the value of technological advances in transportation – notably motor vehicles and airplanes. Because of these developments, we can travel further and faster than anyone a century ago would have imagined possible. However, even here technology has its downside. We live in a more dangerous world, not only because cars, trucks, and airplanes can kill but also because the ease and speed with which we can get from one place to another has made national borders more porous. The same technology that can deliver us to Grandma’s house halfway across the world can also deliver an explosive device that can obliterate Grandma and a few thousand of her neighbors. The recent discussions with North Korea are just an example. In addition, we have been seriously depleting the Earth’s natural resources to run these machines and have appreciably hastened global warming because of the gasses that they emit. On a simpler level, too, we may perhaps question whether it is necessarily desirable to go further and faster. Is it always better? Do we enjoy the trip more, or has the process of getting there become a hassle? For what are we saving all this precious time? Is it to have more time to watch commercials on TV, many of them promoting technology that we don’t need? Entertainment is probably the one area in which technology has had positive effects with very little negative impact. If the content of television is mediocre, we can’t really blame that on technology. If the music that people listen to on their various gadgets is trash, we can’t blame the gadgets. If we are spending more time being entertained because we have, thanks to technology, a wide variety of entertainments to choose from, that is not necessarily a bad thing. We can complain about the intrusion of too much marketing in the entertainment media, but that is not the fault of technology. Indeed, with television, there’s a quiet little war going on between the technology that subtly tries to sell us products and the technology that enables us to bleep out the advertisements. To be objective about it, the so-called downside of technology – real as it is – represents more what’s wrong with us than what’s wrong with our creations. We are making them complicated, often more than they need to be, because we arrogantly believe that man will always be the master of the machine. We turn the cell phone into a public nuisance and a safety hazard instead of a useful tool because we are too foolish to use it wisely. We cause sporadic outbreaks of massive â€Å"computer errors† because we are stupid and careless; what we call computer errors are, in fact, idiotic blunders made by human beings. We are the self-destructive species who turn machines for transportation into weapons of mass destruction. The real issue regarding technology is not whether it is good or bad but whether we are grown-up and mature enough to use wisely what we have created. The evidence suggests that, on the whole, we are not and technology may just be our demise. Works Cited â€Å"2001 Internet Fraud Statistics. † Welcome to Fraud. org, Online Home of NCL’s Fraud Center. National Consumers League, 2002. Web. 23 May 2011. . â€Å"Creating Connecting// Research and Guidlines on Online Social and Educational Networking. † Creating Connecting// Research and Guidlines on Online Social and Educational Networking. National School Boards Association, July 2007. Web. 22 May 2011. . Farkas, Karen. â€Å"Online Education Growing as Colleges Offer More Classes to Meet Student Demand. Online Education Growing as Colleges Offer More Classes to Meet Student Demand. Cleveland. com, 07 May 2011. Web. 22 May 2011. . Heltz, Braxton. â€Å"National Business Association – How The Internet Has Changed The World†¦ † NBA – Membership Association Serving the Self-Employed and Small Business Community. National Business Associat ion, 2007. Web. 23 May 2011. . Kraut, Robert, Vicki Lundmark, Sara Kiesler, and William Scherlis. â€Å"Why People Use the Internet. † The HomeNet Project. Carnegie Mellon University. Web. 23 May 2011. . Nauert, Rick. â€Å"The Internet as Agent of Social Change | Psych Central News. Psych Central – Trusted Mental Health, Depression, Bipolar, ADHD and Psychology Information. Ed. John M. Grohol. Psych Central, 29 Nov. 2006. Web. 23 May 2011. . O’Connor, Rebecca. â€Å"Online Fraud Rises by 185 per Cent – Times Online. † The Times | UK News, World News and Opinion. The Sunday Times, 1 Oct. 2008. Web. 23 May 2011. . Rector, Lucy H. â€Å"Reference Services Review | Comparison of Wikipedia and Other Encyclopedias for Accuracy, Breadth, and Depth in Historical Articles. † Emerald. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2008. Web. 23 May 2011. . Wang, Laurie. â€Å"The Effects of Internet Pornography  « Power to Change. Power to Change. Power to Ch ange Ministries. Web. 23 May 2011. . Williams, Chris. â€Å"Online News and Advantages. † IdeaMarketers – Free Content Directory. IdeaMarketers. com. Web. 23 May 2011. . ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY â€Å"2001 Internet Fraud Statistics. † Welcome to Fraud. org, Online Home of NCL’s Fraud Center. National Consumers League, 2002. Web. 23 May 2011. . â€Å"Creating Connecting// Research and Guidlines on Online Social and Educational Networking. † Creating Connecting// Research and Guidlines on Online Social and Educational Networking. National School Boards Association, July 2007. Web. 22 May 2011. . Farkas, Karen. â€Å"Online Education Growing as Colleges Offer More Classes to Meet Student Demand. † Online Education Growing as Colleges Offer More Classes to Meet Student Demand. Cleveland. com, 07 May 2011. Web. 22 May 2011. . Heltz, Braxton. â€Å"National Business Association – How The Internet Has Changed The World†¦ † NBA – Membership Association Serving the Self-Employed and Small Business Community. National Business Association, 2007. Web. 23 May 2011. . Kraut, Robert, Vicki Lundmark, Sara Kiesler, and William Scherlis. â€Å"Why People Use the Internet. † The HomeNet Project. Carnegie Mellon University. Web. 23 May 2011. . Nauert, Rick. â€Å"The Internet as Agent of Social Change | Psych Central News. † Psych Central – Trusted Mental Health, Depression, Bipolar, ADHD and Psychology Information. Ed. John M. Grohol. Psych Central, 29 Nov. 2006. Web. 23 May 2011. . O’Connor, Rebecca. â€Å"Online Fraud Rises by 185 per Cent – Times Online. † The Times | UK News, World News and Opinion. The Sunday Times, 1 Oct. 2008. Web. 23 May 2011. . Rector, Lucy H. â€Å"Reference Services Review | Comparison of Wikipedia and Other Encyclopedias for Accuracy, Breadth, and Depth in Historical Articles. † Emerald. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2008. Web. 23 May 2011. . Wang, Laurie. â€Å"The Effects of Internet Pornography  « Power to Change. † Power to Change. Power to Change Ministries. Web. 23 May 2011. . Williams, Chris. â€Å"Online News and Advantages. † IdeaMarketers – Free Content Directory. IdeaMarketers. com. Web. 23 May 2011. . Murphy, Tony. Achieving Business Value from Technology. New York: Wiley, 2010. Schmidt, John G. Lean Integration: An Integration Factory Approach to Business Agility. Boston: Addison-Wesley Professional, 2010. Nicholas, John M. Project Management for Business, Engineering, and Technology. Chicago: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008. http://blogs. wsj. com/digits/2011/08/24/steve-jobss-best-quotes/ http://www. medicalnewstoday. com/articles/241907. php Arminen, I, 2007, ‘Review Essay, Mobile Communication Society? ’, Mobile Communication Society? , v. 53, no. 1 University of Tampere viewed 19 March 2010 http://asj. sagepub. com Cogmed, 1999 Karolinska Institute, viewed 6 April 2010, http://www. cogmed. com/ Cupples, J Thompson, L, 2010, ‘Heterotextuality and Digital Foreplay’, Feminist Media Studies, v. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-17, Ebscohost viewed 19 March 2010 http://www. informaworld. om/smpp/content~db=all~content=a919196107 Geser, H, 2004, ‘Towards a Sociological Theory of the Mobile Phone’, ‘Sociology in Switzerland: Sociology of the Mobile Phone’, Google Scholar viewed 16 March 2010 http://socio. ch/mobile/t_geser1. pdf Horstmanshof, L, Power, MR, 2005, ‘Mobile phones, SMS, and relationships’, Humanities Socia l Sciences papers, v. 32, no. 1, pp. 33-52, Bond University viewed 16 March 2010 http://epublications. bond. edu. au/hss_pubs/75/ Snooks and Co 2002, Style manual for authors, editors and printers, 6th edn, John Wiley Sons, Milton, Qld. Published 2010 How to cite Is Technology Really Making Life Easier?, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Asian History in Canada Essay Example For Students

Asian History in Canada Essay Around the mid-19th to early 20th centuries, British Columbia was in a period of economic explosion. Those who were willing to work hard could find many opportunities. At this time, gold was found in British Columbia and Canada became dependent on workers to finish making the transcontinental railway. Many lumbering, coal mining and fishing business were not experiencing enough growth to match the needs of the society. This portrayed Canada as a place of opportunity and settlement for Asians whose homelands were becoming overcrowded. Sadly, the early pioneer years were extremely difficult for Asian immigrants due to the extensive racism and barriers keeping them from full participation of the Canadian life. It is through these hardships and sacrifices that the birth of many vibrant communities became possible. The Asian-Canadian pioneers are unforgettable and their legacies sculpt an important time in Canadian history. The first Chinese people came in the mid-1800s to take advantage of the opportunities brought on by the discovery of gold. The majority of the early Chinese settlers were uneducated, unskilled and unmarried men who were farmers or laborers looking for a better life. Many early Chinese settlers of the 19th century originated from Guangdong and Fujian, two coastal provinces of China. Still, most of the Chinese who came to British Columbia in the 1850s and 1860s came straight from California because the gold rush in California was coming close to an end as the rush was just beginning in Canada. There were two major gold rushes in British Columbia in the mid-1800s that attracted the Chinese. News of the Fraser River gold discovery spread and the first group of Chinese arrived in Canada on July 28, 1858, in Victoria, British Columbia. Most of these first arrivals were temporary workers, called sojourners, rather than settlers. Their historical arrival marked the establishment of a continu ous Chinese community in Canada. While the Fraser Gold Rush is the one that drew Chinese north, it was during the Cariboo Gold Rush that the first Chinese community, called The Hong Shun Tang, was established in Canada in the gold mining town of Barkerville. In the 1860s, Barkerville was a booming town. Thousands of prospectors came to the town, many of them from the U.S. At the peak of the gold rush, there were as many as 5,000 Chinese living in Barkerville. Unfortunately, the Chinese were not allowed to prospect in areas other than abandoned sites. This was due to discrimination towards Asians at that time. On account of this fact, the Chinese did not make the same fortunes as the whites did. Nonetheless, the Chinese still managed to find a way to thrive as a community. They provided many services to as many as 20,000 prospectors that came into the Barkerville region in the 1860s. Between 1860 and 1870, besides mining, Chinese pioneers also worked on many other projects in British Columbia and Vancouver Island. Some of the jobs included the erection of telegraph poles, the construction of the 607-kilometers Caribou Wagon Road and the digging of canals and reclaiming of wastelands. The Chinese were major contributors to the development of Canadian society, but were never recognized as such. Even while facing many daily hardships, they did not forget their families in China and continued to send money back faithfully. On the other side of the ocean, the families at home also shared the same dreams as those in Canada. Like most new immigrants, many Chinese dreamed of some day returning to their native land and reuniting with their families. Others dreamed that one-day they would call Canada their home. Hoping to make Canada their new home, many Chinese stayed once the Gold Rush was over. For a while, life was good. The Chinese started import businesses and worked as merchants and built a strong community in the city. Victoria became the first permanent Chinese settlement in Canada. By the end of the 1860s, there was approximately 7000 Chinese living in British Columbia.While the gold rush was going on in British Columbia, thousands of Chinese were also working on a transcontinental railway in the U.S. Eventually, the U.S. started closing its doors to the Chinese. As this was happening, Canada encouraged thousands of Chinese

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Philosophy of religion Argument according to Pascals Wager on the belief in God

The belief in the existence of God is contentious in the philosophical domain. In the philosophical argument presented by the book, Pascal’s Wager, by Jeff Jordan with regard to the existence and work of God, it emerges that people’s belief in God is often enhanced by self-interests rather than the unending desire to appreciate and acquire evidence that God exists through reasoning.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Philosophy of religion: Argument according to Pascal’s Wager on the belief in God specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Human beings have the unending self interest to believe that God exists so as to fulfill their emotional, psychological and earthly desires. Logical arguments on the existence of God are therefore considered vague in enhancing the conviction that God exists (Jordan, 13). People believe in God’s existence and his good deeds The approach also helps to fulfill the s piritual desires and expectations of human nature. However, I fully object to this argument due to my strong conviction that believing in God as a means of fulfilling self interests could be vague and confusing (Jordan 18).Reasoning and exploiting all intellectual capabilities should be an important guiding principle for understanding the existence of God. This objection is based on the fact that Wager contends that God is incomprehensible. The aspect argues that it is safe and human to put one’s hopes in God rather than on earthly beings. People who believe in God and are ready to acknowledge his presence in their lives are safer since in the eventuality that God truly exists; those who believe in him would go to heaven while those who do not believe in his existence would go to hell. However, in the eventuality that God does not exist, those who believe in him and those who do not believe in him would not lose anything. The author focuses on identifying vital human characte ristics that define human behavior and response to challenges. Focusing on fulfilling spiritual self-interests is a fundamental aspect of recognizing the presence of God in life (Jordan 9). Objection The belief in God that is based on the prevailing evidence of his existence is an important approach to living a more fulfilling, desirable, treasured and happy life. The belief is a means of ensuring that people’s arguments about God’s existence do not remain to be mere illusions. Evidence-based arguments help to reinforce the fact that favor, blessings and grace that come from God have the ability of transforming human life. The attributes also help to emphasize the fact that self interests could be misguiding due to the likelihood of the interests being different. The variation could occur as a result of a change in circumstances, environment, situations, prevailing practices, cultural and religious beliefs and issues related to one’s pious denomination. The dang er with believing in God’s existence based on the appeal on our self interests is a challenge that lies on the unspecified assumption that all people know the â€Å"god† in question.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, it is likely that not all people have a clear understanding of who God really is. It is likely that not many people believe in God. In fact, certain people do not mind whether or not God’s existence has any impact on the kind of lives they live. People have the inability to believe that God exists. Although God is widely believed to be a supernatural being, people have continuously failed to believe in his deeds due to lack of evidence on his existence. This fact has complicated the need for human beings to accommodate different arguments on the role and place of God in human life. Strengths and weaknesses In his argument, the author c onsistently manages to put into consideration the various arguments already put in place by other authors with regard to the belief and existence of God. In line with the above analysis, it evident that human nature and the existence of God are interlinked issues. The author’s argument also appreciates the fact that human life is sacred and the belief in God is an important spiritual issue of concern. These issues are critical as they clearly reveal the purpose for which human beings exist and the fundamental role that God has placed in people’s lives. Failure to reinforce the significance of trusting in reason reveals the weakness of the argument that self-interests should always be the guiding principle for our belief in the existence of God. This argument fails to understand the fact that regardless of one’s approach to matters of God, reliance on the broad-spectrum concept of theism without dwelling on a specific doctrine could lead to unfounded theological conclusions. The possession of favorable arguments on humanity is good though it has the possibility of threatening human belief. The author has failed to acknowledge the fact that human nature should be understood through the use of a rational approach. The presence of God or any supernatural being in life should never be determined by human desires but rather by reasoning. It should also be guided by the understanding that life has a foundation that can only be best defined by understanding the role of God and origin of mankind. Uncertainties in the purpose of mankind, reason, science, religion and skepticism should be conceptualized by people who constantly strive to acquire evidence of the existence of God. Belief in the existence of God is an alternative that presents the greatest good. It is not a rational means of understanding the existence of God. The belief in the existence of God based on people’s self interest is an approach that is subject to manipulation. Just a s people’s lives and approaches to life are different, so are their self interests. Failure to explain the specific religious doctrines in which the aspect of believing in God is founded is considered as spiritual ignorance.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Philosophy of religion: Argument according to Pascal’s Wager on the belief in God specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This aspect is brought about by the need of fulfilling self interests. It is considered to be a better alternative to a belief that is based on the existing evidence. This concept remains to be a serious challenge. Although it could be in any person’s interest to believe in God, Jordan (13) is of the view that lack of any supportive consideration of the need to believe or not to believe in God without any proof of his deeds is an unacceptable approach. Infinite punishment, reward and fulfillment of self-interest as a result of believing in God’s existence should never be a motivating factor towards believing in God. What the author says The author is likely to say that God does not always indulge in what people say or think. To boost his argument, the author would say that it is through addressing self interest that people would best understand and thus believe in God. To the author, losing something due to misguided faith is better than believing in God without addressing one’s self interests. Sadly, this response would not be adequate. The response would not help in addressing both the intrinsic and extrinsic needs of people with regard to religion and the belief in God. It is important to fully exploit rationality and ability to reason and acquire a genuine belief that God exists. Works Cited Jordan, Jeff. Pascal’s Wager: Pragmatic Arguments and Belief in God, University of Delaware, Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 2006.Print. This essay on Philosophy of religion: Argument according to Pascal’s Wager on the belief in God was written and submitted by user Cindy Calhoun to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Prefixes and How to Use Them

Prefixes and How to Use Them Prefixes and How to Use Them Although we’ve got nothing on German, the English language sometimes involves putting different â€Å"parts† of words or even whole words together to make a new term. And prefixes are a big part of this. But what exactly are prefixes? And how do you use them in your writing? What Are Prefixes? A â€Å"prefix† is a group of letters placed at the start of a word to change its meaning. We can even see how this works using the word â€Å"prefix† itself, which is a combination of â€Å"pre-† and â€Å"fix†: â€Å"Pre-† is a prefix meaning â€Å"before† or â€Å"in front of.† â€Å"Fix† is a verb meaning â€Å"attach.† Combined, then, the word â€Å"prefix† indicates something we â€Å"attach† to the start of a word. There are many different prefixes in English. Some common examples include: Prefix Meaning Example Anti- Against or opposed to Antisocial, antiviral Auto- Related to the self or spontaneous Automatic, autobiography De- Reverse or reduce Devalue, decode Dis- Reverse or negate Disobey, disappear En- Cause to be or put into Enact, encase Ex- Out of or former Extract, ex-girlfriend Il-, Im-, In- or Ir- Not or negate Illegal, immobile, insufficient, irresponsible Mis- Incorrect Misbehave, misspell Post- After, later or behind Postseason, postscript Pre- Before or in front of Prefix, prefrontal Pro- Favoring or promoting Proclaim, pro-democracy Re- Repeat or restore Refresh, rewrite Sub- Below or less than Submarine, substandard Trans- Across or beyond Transatlantic, transgender Un- Reverse or negate Unzip, undo When to Hyphenate In the table above, you may notice that we hyphenate the words â€Å"ex-girlfriend† and â€Å"pro-democracy.† This is because you should use a prefix with a hyphen in certain cases, including: In most cases after â€Å"ex-† and â€Å"self-† (e.g., self-assessment) When combined with a proper noun (e.g., anti-Nazi) To prevent using the same vowel twice in a row (e.g., anti-inflammatory) To clarify meaning (e.g., to â€Å"recover† is to return to strength or regain something, but if we said we had â€Å"re-covered† something we would mean we have covered it again) There are exceptions to these rules (e.g., â€Å"cooperate† is usually spelled without a hyphen despite the double â€Å"o†). But they are useful guidelines when you’re not sure whether to use a hyphen. Tricky Prefixes Finally, a quick warning. The English language has borrowed lots of words from lots of places, so it is common for similar words to have different meanings. And the same applies to prefixes. For example, the â€Å"in-† in â€Å"inaccurate† is a negation, so it is the opposite of â€Å"accurate.† However, the word â€Å"inflammable† means the same as â€Å"flammable,† not the opposite! This is because the â€Å"in-† from â€Å"inflammable† is from the same root as â€Å"en-† in words like â€Å"enrich† or â€Å"entrust.† It therefore means â€Å"cause to be,† which is very different from negating something. As such, be careful when using prefixes, as they may not mean what they seem! And if you’d like help checking your prefix use, just let us know.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The best sister in the world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The best sister in the world - Essay Example The researcher will begin with the statement that sometimes he thinks that it is amazing that while we look for companionship and friendship, outside the confines of our home, our best sources of support and joy are placed by providence right at the place we live and love. At least it happened to him. The author’s sister Fatimah is 25 years old and they are more of friends than merely being siblings. Fatimah is his best friend and whenever he feels lonely or alone, she turns out to be a constant source of companionship. Though the author prefers solitude over socializing, still he must say that he never like to be alone. Fatimah has a beautiful way of making him feel loved and cherished. The researcher feels really wonderful and happy, whenever he is with her. She always makes the author feel that somebody is there for him, who will stand by him whenever he is stressed and lonely. Both of them share fond memories of the experiences we had while we were traveling in Lebanon, th e country where she was studying for her degree. Fatimah is a biologist. She graduated from the American University of Beirut (AUB).   There is no denying the fact that Fatimah happens to be one big influence on the author’s social skills and interpersonal communication. Having a stable relationship with his sister and being able to convey to her all that the author thinks or feels has made him an independent and confident person. The researcher feels really easy to open up with others while he is moving in the outside world. It was owing to Fatimah that a lot many things turned out to be better and beneficial for the author. It had been solely owing to Fatimah that the author had been able to get over his juvenile hesitations and have learned to open up to other people. The biggest delight that Fatimah holds for the author is the opportunity he gets to share his ideas with her. The researcher has many dreams and goals, and Fatimah has always encouraged him in whatever ende avor he engage in by extending her true and honest opinion. The researcher shares such a sense of camaraderie with Fatimah that even during our childhood, they used to dress up alike. The researcher must say that both of them share a salubrious and benign relationship with each other. He is always there, whenever Fatimah needs him and she receives the author’s help and advice not only as a brother but also as a worthy an imitable role model. They both harbor much ambition in their hearts. Besides, both of them love their family a lot and do their best to make their family happy, especially their parents. The researcher does believe that good idea are of no use if they are not put into practical action. So Fatimah always diligently encourages him to weave goals and aspirations around the good ideas that the author share with her. This brings in a kind of accountability into the researcher’s life and always stimulates him to work to the best of his capacity. Besides, the author does know that Fatimah is always there to help him sort out the problems that he comes across in his academic life.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Economic Analysis Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Economic Analysis Project - Research Paper Example The overall national income of United States of America is being decreased. Highest concern has been raised about the job or labor market of the country. There are number of people who are looking for suitable jobs and are not able to find one. On the other hand the average take home wages have been decreasing considerably (Pear, 2011). This all results in further increasing the issues and problems for the economists and policy makers, who are in search of different ways to come out of the after affects of the economic recession. Government of United States of America along with other policy makers are busy in devising such a policy or strategy which facilitates them in the process of recovering. Different policies and initiatives are being taken by the officials and policy makers, but despite of this there has been continuous decrease in the overall income and output level of the economy. It has been reported that the national income of United States of America decreased by almost 9 .8 percent after the recession till June this year. According to different economics analysts, this is one of the largest decline in past few decades (Pear, 2011). Despite of the little improvement in overall unemployment rate, the average wage rate is reporting constant decline (Pear, 2011). This issue is not only of high importance for the job seekers, but also for job providers and the government of United States of America. As it has direct link with the overall economic condition of the country. And there is a high need of coming up with some effective strategy in order to overcome this problem. In order to solve this issue or problem, it is necessary to first identify the reasons and causes behind it. This is possible only through a proper and thorough applied economic analysis. APPLIED ECONOMIC ANALYSIS FOR IDENTIFYING MAIN REASONS BEHIND THE ISSUE AND COMING UP WITH EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES: In order to better understand the overall situation it is important to have a look at th e basic elements and factors which are directly related to the issue. First step in this regard is to identify and explore the reasons and factors behind the constant decrease in the wage rates and also in the overall national income of the country (Pear, 2011). Different analysts have presented several elements which are responsible for this. One of the main factor for this declining wage rate is high unemployment rate. There are several people who are in search of job, who are also ready to work at nominal hourly rates. Along with this, employees cannot demand high salary because of the increasing unemployment. It will be easy to understand these factors by applying the concept of supply and demand. In a normal market prices and level of output are decided by the forces of supply and demand. Similarly, in labor market wage rates are decided by the supply and demand of the labor. The concept of Marginal Productivity, tried to explain the relationship between the wage rate and deman d of the labor. According to this concept the wage rates are directly related to the demand of the labor. If there is more demand of labor the average wage rates will also increase. Whereas the there is an inverse relationship between the supply of labor and wage rates. If the supply of labor exceeds the demand of labor, then there is a significant decrease in th

Monday, November 18, 2019

Religion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Religion - Assignment Example The earliest founding can be traced back to 1897. As of now, it claims to have more than 5 million members worldwide. Its current bishop is Charles Blake. The website contains the following information in the About Us section : Founder and Church History, Affirmations, Doctrine, Seal, and Its Officers. The website also presents its numerous departments such as legal, marketing, Pastor’s and Elders Council, National Mens’ Conference, International Women’s Department and Church Growth and Development. The site also shows its Products and Services such as COGIC bookstore, COGIC publishing house, and Charities. COGIC Charities supports mission programs in 58 countries and provides $100,000 worth of scholarships annually. It does not limit its support to members of its organization since it also provided a grant to Save Africa’s Children. It can be implied from reading the website that COGIC takes pride in being a colored religious organization. Apparently, COGIC is a large religious organization with abundant funding since it has its own Bible College and Theological Seminary. COGIC also presents in its website the various activities it is involved with such as COGIC charities and bridging the digital divide. Presently, its website features the â€Å"Hijacking of Civil Rights Legacy† which is an argumentative position against homosexual marriage. It also posted a response on the human rights declaration with a severe apologetics on marriage. COGIC can be considered a moderate religious group since it sticks to the essentials of Christian doctrine in its statement of faith. In fact, it regards the bible as its only source. However, it can be considered moderate since it has been involved in social agenda such as alleviation of poverty through its north Michigan COGIC and Faith Community mortgage company, making donation to victims of calamity, and publicly commenting on social issues such as Human Rights and Civil Ri ghts. The website

Friday, November 15, 2019

Relationship Management in Dell Computers

Relationship Management in Dell Computers 1.0 Introduction The Dell Computers Company was founded by Michael Dell. The business started by selling various computer products by use of the direct business model when most companies at the time employed the services of dealers and distributors. At its inception, the company concentrated on the relationship management with customer focused marketing. At the time, according to Joan (2000, p.73) most companies for instance Compaq and IBM concentrated on being engineering centric. On the contrary, the Dell Company was selective in the production, focusing on the products that enhanced the relationship between the company and its customers, with Michael Dell adopting a direct business model in marketing. The model harnesses virtual integration which permits the business to specialize in products which satisfy on customers, present and future needs. In our case study of Dell Computers we shall look into the various aspects of relationship management that the company has applied in ensuring its success ful growth. 2.0 Key Account Management and Global Account Management Key account management (KAM) can be defined as the management of customer accounts which bring most profitability and are of strategic importance to the Company. In essence, this concept in relationship management seeks to analyze those key accounts of importance to the company, forecast on their needs, and give them premium services and value added products thus increasing on satisfaction and more customer retention. The key accounts management can also be referred to as strategic account management. This concept gets global with the company having key accounts all over the world. As such, the global account management (GAM) can be defined as a strategy in which a company selects on some customers globally with the capability to deliver on their needs. There are key reasons why the companies practice global accounts management but the main one is to get competitive advantage and gain more revenue while enjoying the difference in economies of scale. Key account management can also be defined as offering customers with large accounts products and services tailored to their needs to attract loyalty. In the first step the key accounts management entails identifying those accounts of strategic importance. Key accounts according to Jukka (2001, 202) are selected according to the volume of sale or the profitability the company intends to get from the customer relationship. In addition, the selection is based on the volume of the purchases from the customer and the period the relationship has been in existence. According to Michael dell, the Dell computers continue identifying on key accounts and this has helped the company in increasing the company by the fast cycle segmentation (Joan 2000, p.77). The company is able to grow on revenues w hile keeping down on the expenditure by focusing on profitable segments only. The next element in key account management is analyzing on the key accounts. The account is studied on the basis of the history of any relationship and more so the economic status of that account. In an interview Michael Dell agrees that dealings with big institutions and corporate companies which are profitable, easier to manage and are unlikely to default in making their payments is the core of the business at Dell Computers (Joan 2000, p.76). In addition, at this stage determining the switching cost which entails the cost of replacing the outgoing partner with a new one, is important incase the relationship ends (Jukka 2001, p.203). The Dell Company maintains a strategy on selection of key accounts and avoids taking on very powerful accounts which could bring huge switching costs and this keeps the demand of its products on level. As a matter of fact, the company does not serve customers with more than one percent to two percent of its revenue (Joan 2000, p.77). More over, the ability for the company to organize and respond to various needs of the customers holding the large accounts is very important. The organizational capabilities have been greatly improved in Dell computers with dedicated teams designated to run on the key accounts. Large accounts make up most of the business at Dell computers. It sells to them standardized products besides predicting on their demand and future needs through virtual integration. The company also monitors on the global accounts in different parts of the world. With very huge accounts the company deploys a team onsite to effectively manage on the customers needs. To ensure success in management of key accounts a company needs to have competent key account managers and other team members. In making the selection of the staff members of these teams it is imperative that members with wide experience and qualifications are chosen for the task. The evaluation of the account relationship could also be considered where the key manager is overburdened with his role and adapt a network of organizational relationships. In addition, for KAM to be effective there should be an efficient information exchange between the key account team and the partner. 3.0 Big customers, customer segmentation and marketing orientation 3.1 Big customers Customer value is an important aspect in relationship marketing at Dell Computers and we should thus study it. In value strategic models there are three types of value elements. The first one is esteem value and influences the customer to buy a product for the sake of just owning it. On the other hand, the utility value influences the need to have the product due to its characteristics in meeting the want of the consumer. Finally we also have the exchange value which influences on the worth of the customer with the product creating interest with time. Satisfaction among the customers is what makes them to make repurchases. As matter of fact, this feeling of satisfaction becomes extreme when the product performance exceeds the expectation. The loyalty among the customer is cultivated by giving value added products as compared to the other sellers. Indeed satisfaction is of great influence in maintaining customer loyalty, enhancing marketing by word of mouth and making the buyer come back to purchase more (Wolfgang Andreas 2006, p.313). According to a report by Azaddin Salem Khalifa (2004, p.646) customers who are extremely satisfied due to their value added products were 45% more likely to be loyal and were six times more likely to come back for more purchases than dissatisfied customers. At Dell they realized that in adding this value to the products and ensuring on customer satisfaction then more focus was to be made on the needs of the customers. As a result, the company has seventy percent of its customers comprising of large educational, governmental institutions and corporate companies. The company reduces the risk by handling accounts of these big customers. The company continues to target these big consumers to enhance profitability with its scalable business. Indeed, in maintaining these key accounts nationally and globally the company is able to increase on revenue while suppressing on expenditures. 3.2 Customer segmentation With the direct model and a very fine customer segmentation of big consumers the company is able to predict the needs of its few customers and order goods tailored towards this information. As such, a fast inventory velocity the Dell Computers maintains with the suppliers is important in providing more flexibility and speedy ordering of goods. According to the founder of the Dell Computers, a fast cycle segmentation involving big customers offers lesser managerial problems with the company being able to tailor programs to the needs of the customers (Joan 2000, p.78). This can be attested to by the variety of products the company produces with inventory being reviewed by more than thirty times in a year. Where value is an important component in forecasting demand, the Kanos model dictates that in order for a company to not only satisfy but make the customers delighted in using the products, it becomes imperative for such a company to pay less attention to the normal customer activity cycle but focus on the customers needs (Azaddin 2004, p.649). Indeed, innovative features which are unexpected by the customers do not cause any form of dissatisfaction but if included they lead to satisfaction and delight of the customers. On the other hand, the benefits and the costs ratio model defines value not only on the benefits the customer is able to get but on the sacrifices the customer incurs. Such sacrifices are categorized as time and effort required in obtaining the product. In same argument it then follows that the right values include a low price for the product delivered in time, a premium service and impeccable quality. We can also conclude that intangible costs decrease this value. The Dell Company ensures on timely delivery of its products to big consumers effortlessly. The big customers are not only able to order their products online but they are also able to access technological support information easily and a dedicated team of third party maintainers. Other than to respond and predict its customers needs in time, segmentation of its customer into big but fewer accounts greatly help the Dell Company to greatly reduce on costs. Indeed information on the needs of the customers at present and in future should be available for a more coordinated approach in designing the products, 3.3 Marketing Orientation. Marketing orientation can be defined as an implementation of a marketing concept with focus to customers. The term in detail entails coordination in marketing and focus in profit and customer orientation. Ajay and Bernard (1990, p.3) argues that a customer focused orientation entails implementing on market intelligence obtained and any other information obtained from the customers. This concern to the needs of the customer helps in customer delight at the end. We have already seen that Dell Company values on the satisfaction of its customers by virtual integration and segmentation to tailor products relevant to their needs. In marketing orientation, proper coordination between various departments is very imperative. The information on market intelligence should be utilized by all the departments in coming up with customized and need specific products. This concerted effort in dissemination of intelligences leads to a coordinated response. When applying customer focused marketing model a company also needs to focus on profitability. The Dell Company effectively increases on profitability by market segmentation and having a more coordinated and a fast products delivery system with its suppliers. 4.0 Suppliers The dell company only partners with only a few suppliers to ensure speedy implementation of the information relayed from the company in a virtual supply chain. Orders are made in a networked computing system. This further enhances in the improvement of speed and more so the quality of the products. Indeed in relationship marketing a level of trust with the supplier is important. For instance, the Dell Company does not require checking on the goods ordered from credible companies it works with and this further helps in increasing the inventory velocity and eliminating on warehousing expenses. The company integrates its suppliers to seem like they are the part of the company. In addition, the company cooperates with the suppliers in ensuring timely delivery of products and services to its customers which is attributed to this integration. The company, with advancement of technology has seen it forge more integration with the suppliers and other partners by sharing on databases. One of the intangible costs a customer incurs is time. As such for the company to gain on the customers loyalty products need to be delivered in time with less effort. This makes dell company partner with some few suppliers who share on same values of quality and are flexible in their ordering system. With its suppliers the Dell Company has been successful in reducing the risk associated with inventory by sourcing goods from credible suppliers who then supply them to the Dell customers thus helping the company to save on time and resources. The direct model the company utilizes helps in eliminating the problems that emanate from involving distributors and dealers. The company believes in speedy transactions with its suppliers and maintains very low levels of inventory with them. In essence the company maintains a very slim gap between the point of demand and point of supply. Indeed, with such concept the Dell Company has continued to ensure efficiency and is easily able to determine the units it needs. Indeed, we can conclude that by applying virtual supply chains, by sharing information and eliminating inter-company links with its suppliers Dell has been able to achieve speed-to-market for its products. 5.0 Competitors In customer focused marketing model, it becomes important to study on the competitor orientation as well. The exercise details on gaining more understanding on the potential of the main competitor and the current competitors. With direct selling method of its products and virtually integrating its customers the Dell Company is easily able to trample on its competitors. Virtual integration implies removal of boundaries where products are ordered in an informal way such as through the internet. Most of the Dell competitors still continue to use vertical integration system with focus on producing in volumes with products being experimental in nature. This virtual supply chain at Dell, with information being relayed through a network, compounded by a light inventory helps the company in beating of competition from its rivals. This value added relationship with its suppliers helps the Dell Company to work towards one cause. 6.0 Dells CRM (customer relationship management It can simply be defined as a strategy with focus in increasing the customer satisfaction and loyalty by offering innovative and customized products and services (Elaine Margret 2004, p.24). The company system that strives to observe CRM consolidates information which is available by all the members of the company, the customers and the suppliers being also virtually integrated inside Dells business. . The Dell computers forecast on the demand of its customers and then develop need specific products by involving the services of sales-account managers in virtually integrating with the customers. The needs and other products improvements which are contingent are then communicated to the company for implementation. The Dells CRM system also involves monitoring the purchases of its customers globally and this provides more insight on the operations of the company. In addition, the company employs the use of software in monitoring the assets of its buyers. Companies have various ways of gathering information. As such, some companies employ the use of loyalty schemes where customers are awarded points which can then be redeemed. In the process, the buying habits of the customers are studied using the information obtained and kept in the database. According to a research done on Tesco, the scheme was found to be beneficial in sustaining customer relationship and was effective in attracting loyalty due to the value that was being given to the Tescos customers (Jennifer 2005, p.195) In another research done by (Wolfgang Andreas 2006, p.313) the relationship value was found to influence on the commitment, satisfaction and more so the trust from the customers which can be defined as the relationship quality. The Dell Computer enhances on more consumer contact not only by direct sales model but also in other ways. For instance, information databases are shared between the customers and the management at the company. This helps the customer find technological solution and integrates him or her into Dells business. For instance, a customer at Dell is able to get to the various internal technical tools which saves on the customers time and helps the Dell Company in saving on costs. The customers segmentation of the company comprises of big customers hence their needs are easier to forecast and tailor the right products in time. The Dell Company continues to incorporate technology in the systems of the customers with some teams working onsite for better delivery of support services and maintenance of the products. In addition, Dell Computers organizes forums and meetings like platinum councils for these big consumers where information on the needs is gathered. Information on the planned products is also relayed to these customers (Joan 2000, p.81). CRM enables the company to maintain one on one relationship with the customers. It is worth noting that, in such meetings the ratio of the representation between the company and the customers is usually one to one. In essence, besides these meetings being informative they also help the company forecast on the demand of the customers. The company contracts with maintainers from other companies who make service calls on the behalf of the company which further enhances on the value to the customers. More over, the Dell computers have established intranet sites for mega customers which offer them convenience in buying and more so offer them useful technical information about various products. Indeed, such customized services integrate these customers into the Companys system. The Dell Company continues to employ technology in giving customer focused products and services. The company continues to offer premier services and even helps the customers to develop their own version of the dell website (Joan 2000, p.80). We can look CRM as a tool that in particular aids a company in identifying on the premium customers due to its interactive nature with them. In addition, a more coordinated marketing strategy is able to be formulated with sharing of information between the various departments and hence streamlining on the designing of the value added products. When developing the CRM, a company as we have already seen, needs to gather necessary information pertaining to its customers. This is done at various touch points and a general idea about the needs of that customer can then be determined. The benefits that come up with such a strategy are many. Besides helping in forecasting the demands of the customers such systems help improve on process management and customers information (Elaine Margret 2004, p.26). In addition, the CRM helps in increasing the sales volume and due to the accuracy of the information obtained the complaints by the customers are greatly reduced (Elaine Margret 2004, p.26). 7.0 Conclusion Indeed, the Dell Company can be said to practice relationship marketing. In this aspect the Company has abandoned on the traditional ways of vertical integration and distributorship and continues to relate with its customers in delivering specific need products. In addition, the Company has virtually integrated its suppliers and the customers in its business in its speed to market system. Employing technology in relationship management and ensuring information is available to all, the Company continues to make strides in new ways of marketing and customer focused delivery of products and services.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

War in Owens Dulce et Decorum est and Sassoons Base Details Essay

War in Owen's Dulce et Decorum est and Sassoon's Base Details  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   World War I brought about a revolution in the ideas of the masses. No longer would people of warring nations apathetically back their governments and armies. A concerted and public effort on the part of a literary circle turned soldiers attacked government propaganda. Questioning the glories of war and the need for nationalism, an 'anti-war' literary genre developed in the trenches of Europe during World War I. Gruesome imagery juxtaposed with daily events brought war to the pages of literature. Despite the formation of this new 'anti-war' literary genre, few popular poets chose to tackle the theme of war and its purpose. Of the few poets, only two, Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, attempted in any sincere sense to convey reactions to war in the modernist style. Sassoon and Owen both write about the glorification of life and the detestability of war; however, while Owen's "Dulce et Decorum est" depicts the universal perception of war, Sassoon's "Base Details" more sub jectively intellectualizes war through his melodramatic efforts. Owen's objectivity creates an immortal image of war while Sassoon's subjectivity makes his works anachronistic. Sassoon's and Owen's backgrounds shed light on their respective styles as poets. Unlike Sassoon, Owen only posthumously achieved a level of stature in literature. Born in 1893,Wilfred Owen experienced an almost Dickensian childhood featuring a devout mother and "rough-hewn" father. Sent for his first year of education to a harshly disciplinarian academy, Owen learned to escape into the world of literature. He later joined the British army's 5th Battalion and within a few months, fought on the battle front. During ... ...bitter criticism of his prose today. Owen, as a modernist poet, has stylistically far surpassed Sassoon in the eyes of critics and readers. Works Cited Cohen, Joseph. "Thee roles of Siegfried Sassoon": Rpt. in Poetry Criticism. Ed. Jane Kosek. Vol. 12. Detroit: Gale Research Inc, 1995. 248-250. Magill, Frank. "Wilfred Owen": Rpt. in Critical Survey of poetry. Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Vol. 5. New Jersey: Salem Press Inc, 1982. 2157 - 2163. Murry, John M. "Mr. Sassoon's War Verses.": Rpt. in Poetry Criticisms. Ed. R. Cobden. Vol. 12. Detroit: Gale Research Inc. 1997. 75-84. Murry, John M. "The Poet of War": Rpt. in Poetry Criticisms. Ed. Carol Gaffke. Vol. 19. Detroit: Gale Research Inc. 1997. 705-707. Parsons, I. M. "The Poems of Wilfred Owen": Rpt. in Poetry Criticisms. Ed. Carol Gaffke. Vol. 19. Detroit: Gale Research Inc. 1997. 658.       War in Owen's Dulce et Decorum est and Sassoon's Base Details Essay War in Owen's Dulce et Decorum est and Sassoon's Base Details  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   World War I brought about a revolution in the ideas of the masses. No longer would people of warring nations apathetically back their governments and armies. A concerted and public effort on the part of a literary circle turned soldiers attacked government propaganda. Questioning the glories of war and the need for nationalism, an 'anti-war' literary genre developed in the trenches of Europe during World War I. Gruesome imagery juxtaposed with daily events brought war to the pages of literature. Despite the formation of this new 'anti-war' literary genre, few popular poets chose to tackle the theme of war and its purpose. Of the few poets, only two, Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, attempted in any sincere sense to convey reactions to war in the modernist style. Sassoon and Owen both write about the glorification of life and the detestability of war; however, while Owen's "Dulce et Decorum est" depicts the universal perception of war, Sassoon's "Base Details" more sub jectively intellectualizes war through his melodramatic efforts. Owen's objectivity creates an immortal image of war while Sassoon's subjectivity makes his works anachronistic. Sassoon's and Owen's backgrounds shed light on their respective styles as poets. Unlike Sassoon, Owen only posthumously achieved a level of stature in literature. Born in 1893,Wilfred Owen experienced an almost Dickensian childhood featuring a devout mother and "rough-hewn" father. Sent for his first year of education to a harshly disciplinarian academy, Owen learned to escape into the world of literature. He later joined the British army's 5th Battalion and within a few months, fought on the battle front. During ... ...bitter criticism of his prose today. Owen, as a modernist poet, has stylistically far surpassed Sassoon in the eyes of critics and readers. Works Cited Cohen, Joseph. "Thee roles of Siegfried Sassoon": Rpt. in Poetry Criticism. Ed. Jane Kosek. Vol. 12. Detroit: Gale Research Inc, 1995. 248-250. Magill, Frank. "Wilfred Owen": Rpt. in Critical Survey of poetry. Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Vol. 5. New Jersey: Salem Press Inc, 1982. 2157 - 2163. Murry, John M. "Mr. Sassoon's War Verses.": Rpt. in Poetry Criticisms. Ed. R. Cobden. Vol. 12. Detroit: Gale Research Inc. 1997. 75-84. Murry, John M. "The Poet of War": Rpt. in Poetry Criticisms. Ed. Carol Gaffke. Vol. 19. Detroit: Gale Research Inc. 1997. 705-707. Parsons, I. M. "The Poems of Wilfred Owen": Rpt. in Poetry Criticisms. Ed. Carol Gaffke. Vol. 19. Detroit: Gale Research Inc. 1997. 658.    Â